
  • 2022-08-26
  • Admin Admin


The purpose of the National Park Association in Taiwan is to promote academic research relating to national parks along with environmental education and conservation. To this end, we organized the present program to encourage younger generations to get involved in national park conservation and management, encourage innovative thinking, and cultivate new talent and specializations in resource conservation.



Registration Deadline:  Fri Sep 23, 2022

活動時程Program Schedule & Location
  1. 09/29(四) 08:00-12:00 【國家公園現地參訪】陽明山國家公園大油坑與金包里大路史蹟保存區   Thu Sep 29 08:00-12:00 [On-site visit] Dayoukeng & Jinbaoli Trail Historical Preservation Area
  2. 09/29(四) 14:00-17:00 【國家公園青年論壇】臺北市教師研習中心演講廳   Thu Sep 29 14:00-17:00 [Taiwan National Park Youth Forum]  Taipei City Teachers' In-Service Education Center
  3. 09/30(五) 08:00-17:00 【國家公園研究生論文競賽 】國立臺灣大學思亮館國際會議廳   Fri Sep 30 08:00-17:00 [ National Park Graduate Thesis Competition]

報名須知Registration Instructions
  1. 國家公園現地參訪以40人為限(進入大油坑需年滿18歲),研究生論文競賽投稿者及國家公園青年或新進從業人員優先錄取,餘依報名順序額滿為止。On-site visit has a  maximum capacity of 40 registrants. Thesis competition entrants and current NP employees age 40 or under, or who joined the NP system within the last 3 years have enrollment priority.
  2. 國家公園青年論壇以100人為限(含現地參訪人員)。Youth Forum has a maximum capacity of 100 registrants, including on-site visit participants.
  3. 國家公園研究生論文競賽報名以100人為限。Thesis Competition has a maximum capacity of 100 registrants.
  4. 報名成功後主辦單位會另行寄發報到通知信。 You will receive the affirmed email in seven days containing information of Arrival and Check-in.